So I have to give credit to my amazing boss for this one. She taught me this little nugget and I can't stop using it!
(I work 2 hrs a day Monday through Friday at a little cafe here in our tiny town.)
I love that this cheese can be used in place of literally of any ricotta cheese or cottage cheese. I now use this for my lasagna, and in desserts that call for cottage cheese. It's amazing with olive oil drizzled over it and sprinkled with sea salt and cracked pepper, It's also super good with honey drizzled over top and fresh fruit. I also love the fact that there aren't any crazy extra preservatives and no added salt.
It is so simple to make and delicious to consume. Well lets get to it then.
What you will need:
A large pot
1 gallon Buttermilk ( I recommend unpasteurized, organic )
Cheese cloth
A sieve or strainer ( I use this one I love the multiple sizes with this set because sometimes I do larger batches and sometimes I do smaller )
A skimmer ( some people claim it has to be stainless steel but I use This One and it works wonderfully )
A good wooden spoon that reaches the bottom of your pot. ( Here is what I use )
A Large bowl that your strainer will sit in
1st You will need to set your buttermilk out until it achieves room temperature or close to that. ( I do it cold sometimes, It just takes longer)
2nd you will pour your buttermilk into your pot.
3rd set the temperature on your stove top to low ( with an electric stove you may want to set it slightly higher )
4th let it sit about 15 to 20 minutes (keep an eye on it to be sure it isn't heating to fast)
After about 15-20 minutes you should notice the glossy liquid look changing around the edge of the pot.
5th you want to take your wooden spoon and slowly pull the dulled edges into the center of the milk. ( Do Not Stir )
6th Continue to pull the edges to the middle every few minutes until curds are firm and lose that glossy look
7th turn off heat
8th Set your Strainer on top of your large bowl and place a good layer of Cheese cloth in the strainer
9th Use your skimmer to collect the curds, leaving behind the whey
10th filter the wet curds through the cheese cloth and strainer.
Your bowl will likely fill up with whey very quickly I tend to pour it back into the pot and keep scooping and draining.
11th Once you have scooped all curds out let them sit and continue to drip for 5 -10 minutes.
12th Squeeze out any extra fluid using your cheese cloth
And you are done!!
There are tons of things that can be done your whey or you can do as I sometimes do and give it to your pigs. They crazy over this stuff.
More posts coming on how you can use your whey!!