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Writer's pictureMartha Allene

How long does it take to build a dream?

Updated: May 18, 2022

You might ask yourself what the heck this has to do with the homestead. Well lets talk about why I have now put a brick and motor (ok, ok it really wood and metal mostly) store front on our property.

Our dream when we purchased this home was to one day be self sufficient enough to survive weeks if not months without having to run into town. (FYI that is still my personal goal) We want to have a garden full of edibles, a small orchard and of course the animals. Right now we are successful with chickens. Hahaha that is literally all we have at the moment.

When I ask myself why that is all we have the answer I come up with is we just plum don't have the time to put into it all. After the 2 new additions this year we decided it was pointless for me to attempt to go back to work between daycare, gas and all the kids stuff, it just didn't make sense.

Well if you know me I always have something extra going on the side and I have been doing the non-toxic wellness now for 4 or 5 years and I absolutely love to help people try new things that bring them whole body, mind and soul wellness.

Being home with a newborn gave me the opportunity to reach out to contacts and suppliers I otherwise wouldn't have had the time nor the energy to work with on the level I really wanted to. I have been home for 13 months and spent every single day working towards the goal of a store front a website and soon a board certification in the area I have fallen in love with. The goal when all of this is complete is to be able to physically and financially expand the homestead. As the homestead expands Be Well With Martha will also expand its reach and capabilities. Soon the herbs we use in all our teas and tinctures will be grown, dried and packaged right here. Soon my kids will be able to walk out the door of our home and pick their snack from the yard. Soon we will have all the meat we need for a year stored in our freezers and next years supply growing in the pasture.

You see it's important to us to know where literally everything we put in our bodies is sourced. Yes we can research it now and know before we purchase a food or a product, but how wonderful will it be to be able to say I grew that, I know what and where it was fed. I know there are no hidden chemicals, dyes, or sugars in this.

But this journey has been far from easy and there have been enormous road blocks along the way. I imagine there are still many more to run in to. We have been at it going on 4 years and are nowhere near where we would like to be. But truth be told we are living our dream we just haven't reached the end yet!

It could be years before we get to the final stages or we could change up everything and go a different path all together. Who knows.... But that right there that is literally living the dream, being able to just do us, just take it a step at a time and grow as a family and a business.

If you pray for it and work towards it your dreams will be fulfilled!!

Until next time Be Well!!

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