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Writer's pictureMartha Allene

Good health is the foundation of happiness and success.


Most people would agree that being in good health is a good thing, but it's easy to forget just how big an impact it can have on your life. Your body is the foundation upon which you build everything else, so if you treat it poorly then you're building a house on quicksand. When your health isn't up to par, everything else in your life suffers as well. You won't be able to think clearly or act decisively when you don't feel well; you won't be able to do anything at all if your body isn't functioning properly. It's vital that we take care of ourselves if we want to achieve our goals and live happy lives. So make sure you eat right, exercise regularly and get enough sleep every day!

If you are healthy, your mind is clear and you feel strong.

Healthy people are more likely to work hard and be productive, and they're also more likely to be happy. If you're healthy, your mind is clear and you feel strong. This allows you to focus on things that are important for success, such as getting a good education or starting a business—or even just enjoying life!

When you are sick, your mind is foggy and you feel weak.

When you are sick, your mind is foggy and you feel weak.

You feel like you can't get anything done.

You don't want to go out and do anything.

You feel like you are a burden on others.

You feel like you are not good enough.

If you eat well, exercise and get enough sleep, you will be able to think clearly and act decisively.

Good health is the foundation of happiness and success. If you eat well, exercise and get enough sleep, you will be able to think clearly and act decisively.

  • Sleep: Your brain needs at least 7 hours of sleep every night to function properly. 8 or 9 hours may be best for your emotional state as well. You might need more or less depending on how much sleep you got when you were younger (and how old you are now). It’s important to get a good night’s rest so that your body can repair itself during this time.

  • Exercise: Movement is essential for a healthy body and mind! Even if all you have time for is 10 minutes of stretching or walking around the block once per day, it’s better than nothing at all—as long as it counts as physical activity rather than just sitting around doing nothing with this time instead! Plus exercise has been shown scientifically over time through many studies conducted by doctors from all over the world who specialize in various areas related specifically with this topic such as nutrition and fitness therapy along with other related fields such as counseling psychology which helps those suffering from mental illness such as depression anxiety disorders etcetera....

If your body isn't functioning properly, you won't be able to function properly either.

If you don’t take care of your body, it won't take care of you. If your body isn't functioning properly, then neither can you. To be a healthy human being is to live in good health and have the strength to pursue your dreams. If your body isn't functioning properly, then neither will you. Your brain depends on oxygen flowing through your bloodstream so that it can make rational decisions—dozens of times a day! A lack of sleep will make you feel lethargic and unable to perform at peak levels when needed most. A poor diet leads to feelings of weakness or exhaustion in all areas of life: mentally, physically and emotionally.

You will make mistakes. You will underperform.

You will make mistakes, including when it comes to your health. You will underperform, and you may feel bad about it afterwards.

That’s okay! It happens to the best of us. Just try not to make the same mistake twice, and if you do, don’t beat yourself up over it too much—remember that everyone has off days!

You can recover from a bad diet or from skipping workouts; but when we allow ourselves to spiral into self-doubt or depression after a failure in our personal pursuits (or at work), we start to see these failures as signs of our own unworthiness. This sort of thinking only leads us down a path where we judge ourselves as failures and other people as successes based on arbitrary standards set by society and culture (like how many Instagram followers someone has).

Being in good health is the foundation for achieving anything in life.

A healthy body is the foundation for achieving anything in life. If you're not able to do what you want to do because of poor health, you will be miserable and unfulfilled. You may have all the money in the world but if you're constantly sick or injured, it will be very difficult to enjoy it.

So take care of yourself. Find a sport or an activity that you like doing and integrate it into your daily routine.

  • Exercise is key to good health. You should exercise at least three times a week, for at least 30 minutes per day.

  • If you're not exercising regularly, start small. Try walking up and down the stairs in your building on your lunch hour instead of eating lunch at your desk.

Stop eating junk food so often and learn how to prepare proper meals.

Start eating junk food less often and learn how to prepare proper meals.

The first step in improving your health is to stop eating junk food, which is anything processed, packaged or refined. You should also avoid eating too much salt, sugar and fat.

In addition, you should make sure you’re getting enough fruit and vegetables. A healthy diet consists of at least five portions (400g) of fruit and vegetables per day; two portions being fresh fruit and three servings being cooked or raw vegetables such as salad leaves or broccoli florets.

Go to bed early whenever possible so that you have enough sleep to get through the day ahead of you.

To be successful, you need to be healthy. Being healthy means getting sleep, eating well and exercising regularly.

Sometimes you'll have to sacrifice some of your sleep time or skip a workout if there's a special event coming up or an emergency situation at work that needs immediate attention. You can also make sure that you get enough rest by going to bed early whenever possible so that you have enough sleep to get through the day ahead of you.

In short, turn looking after your health into a priority!

  • Take good care of yourself.

  • Find a sport or an activity that you like doing and integrate it into your daily routine.

  • Stop eating junk food so often, and learn how to prepare proper meals from scratch.

  • Go to bed early whenever possible so that you have enough sleep to get through the day ahead of you

A healthy body is the foundation of success and happiness in life.

Your health is a critical aspect of your life. A healthy body is the foundation of success and happiness in life, because it allows you to be more productive and enjoy yourself more, both personally and professionally.

Healthy bodies are less likely to get sick or injured, so they can be active and productive. This gives them more time to accomplish goals at work or school, or just spend time with friends having fun activities like going out for dinner or watching movies together.


The more you take care of your health, the better you will feel about yourself. And the better you feel about yourself, the more successful you will be at achieving your goals. We hope we've given you some inspiration to start looking after your health!

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