I shared this picture on my Facebook and Instagram the other day and was floored by the amount of people who who answered yes. Not just the amount but the who. My message stated that this is a horrible habit and we need to get away from it. So I want to go a little more in depth with this today!!
First and foremost as a society we spend entirely to much time trying to be perfect, to appear happy and "normal" (I despise that word). Normal isn't the person who has it all together, normal isn't the mom who can perfect any craft or recipe off of Pinterest. Normal doesn't really exist.
“Normal” is a subjective term. It suggests there is some collective sense of normalcy, and connotes a value system where deviance from the standard is somehow unsavory or intolerable.
What does normal mean in psychology?
adj. relating to what is considered standard, average, typical, or healthy.
I don't know about you but I don't ever want to be considered standard, average or typical. I'll take healthy as I believe most would. So I guess what I am trying to get at here is when someone asks how you are, when you post your pictures on your social platforms how often are you trying to be "normal"? Is that really what you want?
Beyond that when we respond like everything is good, great, or wonderful every single time we lead people who are struggling to believe they are lacking something. We are basically telling them there is something wrong with them. We have it all together all the time, so they must be doing something wrong.
I really want to challenge you all to start answering honestly. This doesn't mean that every-time someone asks how you are you need to go into a 4 hour rant about everything that is going badly. A simple "OK.", "Ehh!", or heck if you are struggling, "I am struggling this week." These are all acceptable responses, it is OK to only be OK sometimes. The goal here is not so much to force you to be honest with others (although that's super helpful for you) as it is to give the people around you the opportunity to not always appear OK.
I stand outside of "normal" most of the time, I'm freakishly OK knowing I am not standard when it comes to most things. I have touched base with you all about my struggles at different times, my current battles are S.A.D and my neuropathy, they are both trying to take me down right now. ( I am actually planning a post later this month focusing on S.A.D and why the pandemic has aided it) I am playing with herbs and methods that are proven to aide these conditions. But truthfully neither are completely under control and may never be.
I am doing the things.. You know! Trying to balance my time in the sun by what is needed for my mental health and what is safe for my Lupus. I am taking my Mood+ and my Edge , I am trying to eat right (this is a struggle for me often times), I am using my Anti-Inflammatory tincture , along with a list of other things that keep me going, yet when I get out of bed I still have to convince myself to keep doing the things. Most mornings (I am sooooo not a morning person) I struggle to accomplish even the smallest tasks. I fight with my kids (some of which are also not morning people and some who are way to energetic in the morning), I mope around getting ready for the events ahead and I am typically in pain (physical and mental).
People ask me all the time why I do what I do, my favorite response is because I had to learn the hard way, I want to make it easier for everyone else. Choosing to go toxin free (we are nowhere near completely toxin free its progress not perfection) was a feat in its self. I am consistently learning and making changes. I always say it's one step at a time one product at a time.
In the upcoming months I will be walking my customers and clients through a few methods to help them remove toxins from their homes and bodies, I hope you will join us on the journey!
I hope your day was great but I understand if it was horrible or average. Make it a point to answer the how are yous, the is there anything I can dos and the whats news as honestly as possible.
Till next time Be Well!!