Many people are under the impression that natural living is expensive. It can be. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few tips to help make natural living more affordable.
🍎Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. The fruits, veggies, meats, dairy, and dried foods (rice, beans, lentils) are often found in the outer parts of the grocery store. If you're worried about whether you should be buying organic or not, you can check out EWG's dirty dozen and clean 15 lists. These are two lists of what foods are the most and least contaminated by pesticides and insecticides.
🫐 Swap a processed food or snack for a real food or snack: If you're looking for something crunchy, swap the chips for popcorn. You can buy minimal ingredient popcorn at the store or get an air popper and DIY. If your sweet tooth is bugging you, try dark chocolate, fresh, frozen, or dried fruit, or make a smoothie. Dried nuts and seeds are always great to keep on hand.
🥥 Use multi-purpose items! There is an array of natural products that work double duty, and you can keep your house stocked with a few of these: